Langholm Old Church Parish Magazine

LANGHOLM OLD PARISH CHURCHchurchFounded 1703, present Church built 1846

N0. 21. MAY, 1962.

Minister: Revd. TOM CALVERT, The Old Manse, Langholm. Tel. 256.

Session Clerk: Mr. JOHN TYMAN, National Bank Buildings

Clerk to Conregational Board: Mr. E. C. ARMSTRONG, Town Clerk's Office, Langholm , Tel. 255

Treasurer: Mr. R. A. BLACK, 35 Eskdaill Street.

Organist: Mr. A. C. MALLINSON, A.R.C.O., L.R.A.M., 72 Henry Street.

Motto Text for May—"Lo, the winter is past, . . . the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of the birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land." Song of Solomon 2, 11/12.

Letter from the Minister

Dear Fellow-Member,

What a tremendous change has come over the country in the past two weeks. Just a month ago I sat down to write the monthly magazine letter, the fields and gardens all around Langholm were still in the grip of Winter deadness and it seemed as though Spring was never going to come. Today looking out of the window of the Old Manse, the scene is changed to one of green fields, budding trees and an exceptionally line array of daffodils and primroses. The voice of Spring is being heard in the land, and the mighty message of this season is the Resurrection. Out of the darkness of Winter, out of the deadness of things, life has risen anew in power and beauty. How fitting it is that the great festival of Easter and the Resurrection should fall just before the coming of the month of May with its blossoms of Spring. At this particular time of the year we find Winter and Spring within almost a day's reach of each other, like Good Friday with its darkness of death and Easter Sunday with its grand song of life telling us "He is risen".

The Call of Spring

The soul is dead indeed that does not feel stirred and re-awakened at the call of Spring. At this season we see new life coming forth and struggling for existence in field and garden and tree, and we are assured that just as Nature's deadness is being compelled to give way to renewal and resurrection, so it can be and should be in our spiritual life. This is how Tolstoy felt when he left on record his strong feeling at this season: "It was that particular period of Spring", he says, "which acts most powerfully upon the soul of men . . . some new, exceedingly, and pleasant sensation penetrated my soul all at once ...everything spoke to me of beauty, happiness, and virtue, said that both were easy and possible for me, that one could not exist without the other, and even that beauty, and happiness and virtue are one and the same. How can I fail to understand this? How wicked I was before. I said to myself, I must become another man as quickly as possuble, this very moment, and begin to live differently".

Report on our Easter and Communion Services

We had a very happy Service on Palm Sunday when the 1st Langholm Company of the Boys' Brigade paraded to the Morning Service, led by the Company's own Pipe Band. Lessons were read by Warrant Officer Ramsay Johnstone and Lieut. Jim Kyle, and the Company sang their popular Boys' Brigade hymn, "Will your anchor hold?" At the close of this Service the interesting ceremony took place of presenting colours to the Company. The Colours, purchased by the Mothers' Committee, were presented by Mrs. Johnstone to the Chaplain (Revd. T. Calvert), who received them on behalf of the Company and promised they would be held as a sacred trust. The Colours were then dedicated and presented to the colour bearer, Warrant Officer Johnstone, who, in the colour party, was accompanied by Staff Sergeants John Wallace and Roderick Beattie. We all regretted that Mr. R. T. Robertson, Captain of the Company, was unable to be present at this Service, owing to illness.

On the same Sunday, at the Evening Service, we were all delighted with the part the young people of the Sunday School played. The Lessons were read by William Borthwick and Avril Smith. The children and the teachers sang the hymn, "Hosanna, loud hosanna". The well-known Good Friday hymn, "There is a green hill far away", was sung by Catherine Fortune, Esther Irving and Anne Robertson. The hymn, "Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear me", was sung by Douglas Cameron and Andy Ritchie. A solo part from Messiah was sung by the Sunday School Superintendent and Senior Elder, Mr. William Stuart. There was a good attendance for this Service, and the Offering was taken up by Judith Graham, Janice Cook, Alan Borthwick, Graham Cubbon, Neil Kyle and Eric Laidlaw.

The Communion Services on Sunday, 29th April, were well attended, 442 partaking in the Morning and Afternoon Services. Nine additional members were received by confirmation of their baptismal vows, and ten by certificate and restoration.

Meeting of General Assembly of Church of Scotland

The General Assembly is due to meet on Tuesday, 22nd May, and after Divine Service in St. Giles, will be constituted in the Assembly Hall. The Moderator-Designate for l962 is the Revd. Nevile Davidson, D.D.. minister of Glasgow Cathedral, The Presbytery of Hawick has appointed Mr. James Maxwell, and myself, as commissioners this year. The business which is likely to cause most discussion during the Assembly this year will concern first of all the alarming shortage of candidates for the Ministry, the Foreign Mission Field, the Home Mission Dept., and the shortage of young ministers to offer for service as Chaplains in the Navy, Army and Air Force. There is a shortage of men and women for service in the various agencies of the Church of Scotland. Even the Hut and Canteen Committee which maintains canteen and social services in Germany, the Far East and at home, just cannot get the workers required to carry on this important work. A very interesting work done by the Church of Scotland will be reported upon under the name of Social Services. In this report we will hear of eight homes for children, including one for Under Fives; 4 Hostels for Young Women; 5 Hostels for Young Men; a Mother and Baby Home; Holiday Houses; 30 Homes for Aged. We will be told of new work begun in past year, including an Approved School for Senior Girls in Port Glasgow, and Eventide Home in Edinburgh, a Rehabilitation Centre in Glasgow and a Hostel for Women and Girls in Glasgow yet to be opened. This is a report that leaves us in no doubt whatsoever but that the Church is doing a vital and important work in the land besides preaching and teaching.

Special Services and Events

On Sunday, l3th, we will share our Sunday worship with the Erskine Church, and from what l have just heard it is likely the day will commence with an Open-Air-Service at the Kiln Green for the benefit of the Caravan Club Rally members, who will be there over the coming week-end.

Then on Sunday, 20th May, we will have again a United Service with Erskine Church at 6 p.m., which Service will also be attended by members of the Hawick Presbytery to witness the Admission of Mr. John Tyman, M.A., Ll.B., as a Lay Reader of the Church of Scotland. This Service will be conducted by the Revd. Dr. Cameron Dinwoodice, as Moderator of Hawick Presbytery. Here I would like to congratulate Mr. Tyman upon his selection by the Presbytery as a Lay Reader, and to express best wishes for his happiness in the work. This will mean that in future Mr. Tyman will be eligible to be called upon and to conduct Divine Services in any Parish Church within the bounds of Hawick Presbytery.

On Sunday, 3rd June, we will observe Commonwealth Youth Sunday at the Evening Service, when the Eskdale Young Farmers' Club will join with the Langholm Youth Fellowship in the Old Parish Church. The Boys' Brigade, the Guides and Brownies are invited to attend, and other interested organisations in the district. Following the Evening Service the Young Farmers` Club wish to entertain the members of Langholm Youth Fellowship in the Old Parish Hall.

Sunday School Outing will take place on the 30th June to Silloth. A special train will leave Langholm at 9-10 a.m. We have been able to secure Silloth Parish Church Hall for the Sunday School children to have meals and a headquarters for the day. I will be able to intimate the return times in the next letter. The Sunday School will hold its Annual Flower Service on Sunday, 1st July, and following that Sunday will be on holiday until the beginning of September.


It will interest many of our people to know that Jim Beverley, to whom I referred in my last issue of the magazine, is to graduate BD. in Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Austin, Texas. U.S.A., on May 28th. On June 5th he will be given his Licensure examination by South Texas Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church of U.S.A. Thne on June 10th, James Beverley will be Ordained and inducted to Faith Presbyterian Church, Brownsville, Texas. On a resolution of the Kirk Session of the Langholm Old Parish Church we will send a telegram of greetings and congratulation to Jim Beverley on Sunday, 10th June, in the name of the parish and congregation of Langholm Old.

Farewell Greetings

We are all very sad at the departure from Langholm of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Constable. Charles Constable served as an Elder of the Kirk Session of the Langholm Old Parish for, I suppose, well over thirty years, and was on two occasions Convener of the Vacancy Committee. As an Elder he was greatly loved by the whole of the congregation and especially by the families in his Elder's District. Mr. and Mrs. Constable have moved to the Glasgow area, and I know that all our people join with me in wishing them both every good thing that can come to them in their new home and sphere.

Sympathy with the bereaved.

During the past month we have lost Mrs. Lily Nixon, at 37 Holmwood Drive, at the age of 73; and Mrs. Mary Warbeck Grieve, at Collin, Wauchope, at the age of 83. We express our sympathy in bereavement with the relatives.

With warm greetings to all our people.

Yours sincerely.

TOM CALVERT, Minister.

Kirk Session

The Kirk Session met on Friday, 27th April, and approved the admission to full communicant membership of the following; By profession of Faith —Harry Jackson Aitken, 94 High Street; John Ewart, Parliament Square; John Irving Bell, 13 Holmwood Crescent; Magnus Neill, Sawmill Cottage; Robert Cavers, High Street; Ronald MacLean Johnstone, 8 Holmwood Crescent; Mrs. R. Harvey, Priors Lynn Cottage, Canonbie; John Irving Wood, Tarras Lodge; Robert Henderson, 25 Holmwood Drive. By certificate and restoration; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Armstrong, Westwater Cottage: Alexander K. Graham, 29 Eskdaill Street: Miss J. McR. W. McMurdo, Tarras; Mr. and Mrs. G. Gillanders, 1 Wauchope Place; Mrs. Jean M. Hislop, 2 Waverley Road; Mr. Sydney Cooper, Caroline Street; Mrs. Bell. 21 Charlotte Street: Miss Jacqueline Halliday, 20 Braeheads, Holmwood.

At a Meeting of the Kirk Session on Friday, 27th April, the Kirk Session considered a report of damage to property in the Church Hall which had obviously been caused by rough usage by Members of some or other of the various organisations using the Hall. After considering the matter the Session resolved that each organisation will in future be held responsible for the reinstatement of any damage caused by any of its members. It is hoped that Leaders of Organisations will keep a watchful eye on the activities of Members when using the Hall.

John Tyman (Session Clerk).

Women's Guild

The Guild outing will take place to Ayr on Saturday, June 9th. The route will be by Dumfries, Castle Douglas, Gatehouse of Fleet, Newton Stewart, etc. Owing to the long distance involved, and in order to reach Ayr in time for lunch, the bus will leave at 7-30 a.m. from David Street, picking up passengers at Buccleuch Square, Moodlaw Point, and at the end of Buccleuch Terrace, Eskdaill Street—thence to Gatehouse of Fleet, where a stop will be made for morning coffee. The bus fare and coffee amounts to 15/- (including gratuities) and should be paid to the Secretary on or before Friday, May 25th. In the evening, the bus will leave Ayr at 6 p.m., returning by the direct route, and reaching Langholm about 10 p.m. Any person who has booked a seat and is now unable to go should get in touch with the Secretary immediately.

On Tuesday, 8th May, members of the Old Parish and Erskine Guilds filled a coach to attend the Spring Meeting of the Hawick Presbyterial Council. The meeting this year was held at Roberton —where the visitors were given a kindly welcome by the minister, the Revd. Samuel Weir. The speaker was the Revd. Dr. Lewis Cameron, who spoke most movingly on the work of the Social Services Committee of the Church of Scotland. No one who heard him could fail to be impressed with the tremendous scope and value of the work the Committee is doing. After the meeting we were entertained to tea by the ladies of Roberton Church with true country hospitality, and the afternoon was voted a very happy one by all present.

Church Calendar


13th—11a.m. and 6 p.m. United Services with Erskine. Revd. Tom Calvert. Flowers: Mrs, J. Armstrong. 29 Grove Road: Elders; Morning; A. Smith, R. K. Neill, J. Maxwell, W. Hosie, R. N. B. Noble and D. Hendrie. Evening: M. Douglas and J. Tyman.

20th—11 a.m. Morning Service: Revd. T. Calvert: 6 p.m. Special Service attended and conducted by Hawick Presbytery for Admission of Mr. John Tyman as Lay Reader. Conducted by Revd. Dr_ Cameron Dinwoodie, Moderator of Presbytery. Flowers: Mrs. M. Douglas, 3 Charles Street New. Elders: Morning: R. Douglas, M. Douglas, M. Armstrong, J. W. Wood, J. Macintosh and T. McKail; Evening: A. Smith and W. Hosie.

27th—11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Revd. Tom Calvert. Flowers: Mrs, Murray, 25 Rosevale Street. Elders: Morning, W. Smith, R. T. Robert son, J. Pattie, D. Anderson. L. Ewart and R. Black. Evening: A. Smith and R. N. B. Noble.


3rd—11 a.m. Morning Service; 6 p.m. Commonwealth Youth Service attended by Eskdale Young Earmers' Club, Langholm Youth Fellowship, Boys' Brigade, Girl Guides, Brownies and other Langholm and district organisations. Flowers: Mrs. R. Douglas, Westwater. Elders:- mdash Morning: J. W. Wood, M. Douglas, M. Armstrong, R. Douglas, R. Black and J, Tyman. Evening: W. Hosie and W. Smith.

10th—11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Revd. Tom Calvert. Flowers: Mrs. A. Paisley, Struan. Elders: Morning: W.Hosie, W. Smith, L. Ewart, J. Pattie, R. T. Robertson and J. Macintosh. Evening: J. W. Wood and M. Armstrong.



22nd— Kathryn Elliot, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elliot, 31 Charles Street New.



21st — James Alexander Grant, 35 Caroline Street, to Janet Wishart Farmer, Windsor Hotel, Leven.

In Memoriam

Funeral of Lily Jane Nixon. 37 Holmwood Drive, age 73, on 17th April.

Funeral of Mary Warbeck Grieve, Collin, Wauchope, age 83, on 19th April.

"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. yea, saith the Spirit, for they do rest from their labours and their works do follow them"—Revelation 14, 13.