Langholm Old Church Parish Magazine

LANGHOLM OLD PARISH CHURCHchurchFounded 1703, present Church built 1846

N0. 10. MAY, 1961.

Minister: Revd. TOM CALVERT, The Old Manse, Langholm. Tel. 256.

Session Clerk: Mr. JOHN TYMAN, National Bank Buildings

Treasurer: Mr. R. A. BLACK, 35 Eskdaill Street.

Organist: Mr. A. C. MALLINSON, A.R.C.O., L.R.A.M., 72 Henry Street.

Motto Text for May—"I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord . . . Because in the house of the Lord our God will seek thy good." Psalm 122.


My Dear Friends,

This letter comes to you on Whit Sunday, the day when we remember our Risen and Ascended Lord’s return to dwell with us in spirit, Because of what happened in the event we celebrate today Jesus was now able to fulfil this promise"Lo I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world".

April Communion

At our April Communion we again had the inspiring and happy experience of witnessing a large number of young men and women coming forward of their own freewill to take upon themselves the vows made at their baptism, and being received into full membership of the Church. At our October Communion there were 42, and at the April Communion 30 first communicants. It speaks well for the influence of home and School and Church that our young people are coming for- ward in this way to take their due place in the life of their Church. I very much appreciate the warm friendship and support the young people are giving me, and the part they are taking in the service and worship of the Old Parish.

We also welcome those who joined by certificate, and trust that they will find their membership with us a source of blessing and joy.

I am very pleased to find the number of those receiving Communion in their homes and in Hospital on the increase. In October 7 received Communion in their homes and in April over 20 have been visited by the minister and an Elder for a short Service when we celebrated the Lord’s Supper. When people owing to age or sickness are no longer able to come to Church, we are glad and privileged to do all we can to take the Church to the people.

Proposed Change of Time of Morning Service

You will notice under the report of the Kirk Session that at a recent meeting a proposal was discussed to bring our Morning Service forward from 11.45 to 11 a.m. It was felt strongly in the Kirk Session that this would contribute to a large increase in attendance, especially in the Summer months. For people who find Sunday the only possible opportunity for visiting friends, it is felt that the afternoon would be free without missing attendance at Church. I think it would be a safe estimate to say that now 90% of the town and city Churches in Scotland are at ll a.m., and an in- creasing number of country Churches. If there is no strong reason put forward by our members to Elders by the next Kirk Session meeting on second Thursday of June, we will most likely re- solve to make this change commencing July. As the proposed change is entirely in the interests of a full attendance of our people at the lviorning Service, l hope the proposal will be fully supported.

Also at the last Kirk Session meeting we discussed a proposal to have the Church door open daiiy for vistors, and it was resolved that this would done in future. I have been told bv residents in Caroline Street that they frequently see visitors going to the Church and turning away disappointed in finding the door locked. During the present week I received a letter from Durham telling me of people who only a week ago called hoping to visit the Langholm Old Parish Church and were disappointed at not being able to get inside. We hope to see something done in provision of a handrail on each side of the steps, to assist elderly people. I think this would give many of the older people fuller confidence in coming to Church.

Congratulations of 1961 Cornet.

We were tremendously interested in finding the three candidates for Cornet this year were all recent first communicants of the Old Parish, namely William Hyslop Harkness, 56 Holmwood Drive; William McMillan Hotson, 2 Walter Street and George Ian McVittie, 57 Eskdaill Street. We have the greatest pleasure in congratulating George McVittie in his election as Cornet for 1961, and express our warmest of good wishes for his year in this ofhce. I am very glad that five of our young men who will be taking their place in the Common Riding are to stable their horses at the Old Manse. This gives the minister and his family very great pleasure. And since the Cornet was one of my first communicants in April, I would like to say how honoured I feel that I can consider myself his Chaplain during his year of office.

Youth Club

We are continuing the Youth Club throughout the summer except for occasions when it will be competitive with special local functions in the Buccleuch Hall. I feel very happy that the Elders and other adult members of the Old Parish are showing such a real and practical interest in this effort to provide a happy and healthy centre for the young people on a Saturday evening. The Committee in charge of the Club is very active and keen and deserves every encouragement. The growing large attendance at the Youth Club is making it urgent that something be done to improve our Hall facilities, and I am glad to say the Kirk Session is giving this need its full support.

In closing my letter I would like to say how much we regret the departure soon of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Jeffrey from Potholm. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey have been regular and devoted Church members, and great friends to the minister and his family. With warm greetings to all our people.

Yours sincerely,

TOM CALVERT, Minister.

Kirk Session Report

The Kirk Session at a recent meeting reported that at the celebration of the Lords Supper on Sunday, 30th April, 476 partook of the Sacrament and that 23 had received Communion in their homes and in Langholm and Carlisle Hospitals. The following names were added to the Roll of Full Members at Communion.

First Communicants

Arthur E. C. Willis, Sorbie, Ewes; Christopher John Willis, Sorbie, Ewes; Thomas Edward Lake, 11 Holmwood Drive: Malcolm Johnstone, l6 West Street; Raymond L. Smith, 8 Holmwood Drive; John Dunn, 6 Buccleuch Crescent; John James Laidlaw Bell, 11 Wauchope Place; Thomas Grieve McCrindle, Scotsholm, Rosevale Street; Malcolm Mothersole, 11 Braehead, Holmwood; Gavin Graham, Masonic Buildings; John Ernest Corrie, Stubholm; Douglas Mckinnell Little, Skippers- cleuch; William Irving, 52 Caroline Street; Peter Laidlaw, 15 Maxwell Place; John Cowan Wallace, 5 Holrnwood Drive; Allan Matthew Davidson. 14 Caroline Street; William James Barbour, The Burn, Westerkirk; Michael Elliot Kyle, 56 Holm- wood Drive; Walter Richardson Beattie, 30 Holmwood Drive; Gordon Johnston, 8 Holmwood Crescent; Terrance Anthony Richardson Irving, 6 Douglas Terrace; Robert Laidlaw, 2 Wauchope Place; George Ian McVittie, 57 Eskdaill Street; Vivien Hawthorn, 5 Albert Place; Margaret Little, Skipperscleuch; Mary Moscrop, Middlemoss, Tarras; Janet Grieve, Corrie Mains, Banks Hill; Kathleen Morgan Devlin, 54 Holmwood Drive; Rosemorie Anderson, 23 Henry Street; Anna Blair Wilson, 44 Caroline Street.

Received by Certificate and Resolution of Kirk Session.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Elliot, 16 Charles Street (New) from Westerkirk; Mrs. John Nixon, Pathhead from `Westerkirk; Mrs. Paterson, 6 Eskdalll Street from Canonbie Parish; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jonnstone, Kernigal, Walter Street from Port Glasgow West; Mrs. S. Donaldson, 7 West Street from Westerkirk; Mr. William C. Wilson, 44 Caroline Street from St. Cuthbert’s, Lockerbie; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mothersole, 11 Braehead, Holmwood; Mrs. lrcne Bell, Broomholmshiels from St. Andrew’s Galashiels; Miss Sarah J. A. Scott, 14 Henry Street from Erskine Church; Mrs. Agnes Bell, 13 Holmwood Crescent; Mrs. Ann Moore Armstrong, 10 Eskdale Place; Miss Agnes Wilson, 3 Caroline Street; Miss June Noble. Old Irving from Canonbie Parish; Mr. Andrew Porteous, 7 Holmwood Gardens from Erskine Church; Mrs. Isabella Irving, 66 Henry Street; Mrs. D. Murray, Greenhead from E.U. Congregational Church; Mr. and Mrs. John Murray, The Bungalow. Wauchope Place from Ewes.

A total of 30 first communicants and Z9 by certificate have now been added to the Old ParishCommunion Roll.

The Kirk Session considered the urgent need of provision of Ladies and Gents toilets in the Hall, and the Fabric Committee was given power to take action in this matter.

The Kirk Session also discussed a proposal that the time of the Morning Service should be brought forward to 11 a.m. It was felt that this would result in a large increase in the numbers attending Morning worship especially during the Summer months, and that it would help us to keep hold over a. number of the children who go off on country walks in the long morning before 11.45 am. The Kirk Session was unanimous in favour of adopting this proposal, and between now and the next Kirk Session meeting on June 8th, we would like all members of the Old Parish who would like their views on the matter taken into consideration, to get in touch with their district Elder. We would like it to be understood that the main consideration behind this proposal is a fuller representation of our members at morning worship.

Treasurer’s Report

Annual Envelopes {59 1s Od.

The Finance Committee is anxious for all our members in employment to consider, if they have not already done so, joining the Free Will Weekly Offering. The Treasurer will be glad to supply the necessary envelopes, and the system is conducted in absolute secrecy. We do not expect more than any person can afford and however small the weekly offering it is helping us to meet our increasing financial obligations as a congregation. Those of our people on the higher rate of income tax would greatly assist us if they were prepared to give what they are already under Deed of Covenant. With Income Tax at the standard rate of 7/9 in the {, the value to the Church of money subscribed under this arrangement is increased by about 63%, which means that 10/- given in this way is worth l6/- to the Church without costing them an extra penny. Any of our people interested or requiring fuller information should get in touch with Mr. T. McKail. British Linen Bank.

Women’s Guild Report

During the Summer, there is not much activity in the Guild, but in the past weeks there have been two items of special interest to members. On March 9th, the Spring Meeting of the Presbyterial Council of the Hawick Presbytery was held in the Erskine Church. Miss Walls, MA., General Secretary ofthe Women’s Foreign Mission spoke of the work of the Church of Scotland in Africa. After the meeting, tea was served to about 350 visitors in the Old Parish Hall, and the Women’s Guild thank all the people who so generouslv gave scones, sandwiches and cakes towards the tea.

The ladies of the Troqueer Women’s Guild visited us on Tuesday, l6th May, when we were delighted to offer returned hospitality for the happy visit of our Guild to Trooueer last summer. We were well supported by a large attendance of our Guild and a splendid tea provided by our ladies. Mrs. Mangles spoke of the happy experience it was to her to return to the Church where she had once been a member and to the Hall where she attended Sunday School. The visit commenced by a visit to the Church when Mr. Mallinson delighted everyone by playing choice music and concluding by singing the 23rd Psalm. Following the visit to the Church the ladies of Troqueer were entertained to tea in the Hall.

A reminder to those who have booked their seats for the outing on Saturday, June 11th—a short meeting will be held in the Church Hall on Tuesday, June 6th to finalise arrangements.

Church. Calendar


2lst—11.45 a.m. and 6 p.m. Whit Sunday, Revd. Tom Calvert. Flower—Mrs. M. Douglas, 3 Charles Street (New).

28th—11.45 a.m. and 6 p.m. Trinity Sunday, Revd. Tom Calvert. Flower—Mrs. Murray, 25 Rosevale Street.


4th—ll.45 a.m. and 6 p.m. Revd. Tom Calvert. Flowers—Mrs. R. Douglas, Westwater.

11th—11.45 a.m. and 6 pam. Revd. Tom Calvert. Flowers—Mrs. A. Paisley, Struan.

Elders Sunday Duties. & Youth Fellowship Duties


21st—Morning—W. Smith, J. Pattie, R. A. Black, R. T. Robertson, J. Maxwell, C. Constable. Evening—A. Smith, M. Douglas, Youth Fellowship, J. Nixon, A. Davidson. Margaret Murray, Cynthia Hagan.

28th—Morning—D. Hendrie, R. Douglas, R. N. B. Noble, L. Ewart, J. W. Wood, T. McKail. Evening—M. Armstrong, J. Maxwell, Youth Fellowship, Raymond Smith, Walter Beattie, Kathleen Devlin, Rosemorie Anderson.


4th—Mornin—A. Smith, J. Maxwell, L. Ewart, J. W. Wood, H. Hosie, C. Constable. Evening—M. Armstrong, R. T. McKail, Youth Fellowship, Arthur Willis, Colin Milligan, Irene Jones, Lesley Sim.

11th—Morning—M. Douglas, R. N. B. Noble, J. Pattie, D. Hendrie, M. Armstrong, J. MacIntosh. Evening—H. Hosie, D. Anderson, Youth Fellowship, Thomas Lake, Thomas McCrindle, Jean Herbertson, Lila McVittic.



9th—Roger James McMillan Maxwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Maxwell, Grieves Entry, Langholm.

4th—Elizabeth Johnstone, 5 John Street, Langholm

14th—Michael Robert Corrie, Townhead Toll Bar, Langholm.


11th—MacDonald Gilbert Bell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bell, Clinthead, Langholm.

Boys’ Brigade—lst Langlolm Company

The lst Langholm Company of the Boys’ Brigade held its annual lnspection and Display in the Buccleuch Hall on Wednesday, 3rd May. The Chairman was Mr. John Tyman, M.A., LL.B., the Inspecting Officer Mr. S. A. Berry, O.B.E., Chief Constable of Dumfries and Galloway, and the Presentations were made by Mrs. T. Calvert. One hundred and forty seven badges and certificates were presented which had been won during the session. The Chairman congratulated the Company on the formation of a pipe band during the past session. A very smart display of drill and physical training exercises was given. In addressing the boys the Chief Constable said he was very much impressed by the size and discipline of the Company, and that he could see in them a number of possible recruits for the Police Force. He spoke of the increare of juvenile delinquency in the land and suggested that organisations with the object and spirit of the Boys’ Brigade was the best answer to this problem. Special and warm tribute was paid both by the Chairman and lnspecting Officer to the Captain and Officers of the Company for their work in building up such a strong and happy organisation for lads and young men in Langholm.

ln his report the Hon. Captain, Mr. R, T. Robertson intimated that the annual Camp this year would be in Stranraer district on the first week of August, and that the Company was seeking so to build up its funds so that in another year they might be able to take boys to the continent. He also paid special tribute to the work of Dr. Leslie and Miss M. Armstrong in teaching the bovs first aid and to Matthew Armstrong in giving instruction for the firemans awards, and Mr. Dick Irving in coaching the drummers for the newly formed pipe band.