Langholm Old Church Parish Magazine

N0.57                       Price 1/ - with LIFE AND HOME - 6d LOCAL MAGAZINE ONLY                       NOVEMBER, 1965.

Minister: Revd. Tom Calvert, The Old Manse, Langholm. Tel. 256.

Session Clerk: Mr. John Tyman,M.A. LL.B., Barbank, Langholm. Tel. 223

Clerk to Board: Mr. E. C. Armstrong, Town Hall, Langholm , Tel. 255

Treasurer: Mr. Robert Black, 35 Eskdaill Street.

Organist: Mr. A. C. Mallinson, A.R.C.O., L.R.A.M., 72 Henry Street.

Church Officer: Mr. W Elliot, 3 Buccleuch Terrace.

Hall Caretaker: Mr Donaldson, 7 West Street.

Motto Text for November: "What mean ye by these stones?" Joshua 4. 6.


To mark the spot where they had crossed the river Jordan into the promised land, which was now to be their home, stones were set up on the command of Joshua. The stones were to stand there to remind the children of Israel and their children in years to come of this great event of their national history. Crossing a fortified river has always proved a great hazzard for an advancing army, just as the crossing of the Rhine was for our allied armies in the last war. The bridges had been blown, and those given the duty of constructing improvised bridges came under heavy enemy fire. And soon after the crossing General Montgomery called for the chaplains to conduct a thanksgiving Service, which he himself attended and read the Lesson. The Service was conducted and address given by Professor William Tindal, General Montgomery's Staff-Chaplain at the time, who after the war was appointed a Professor in New College, Edinburgh, and whose untimely death a few weeks ago brought great sorrow to the Scottish Church.

The Hebrews had found the crossing of the Jordan unexpectedly easy, and so they said it was all an act of God in His goodness in leading them onward to their promised homeland, and so these stones were set up to remind the people of God's goodness, and they stood there to prompt the children of coming generations to ask this question of our text, "What mean ye by these stones?" and to hear the answer of how God in His goodness has brought them on their way.

November is our annual month of National Remembrance when on Sunday, 14th November the whole nation will hold two minutes silence at 11 a.m. in remembrance of the fallen in the two world wars. Here in Langholm we will gather around the Stone of Remembrance in the Buccleuch Park at 10.15 a.m. when wreaths will be laid by the British Legion, the Provost, and by other organisations. Thereafter we will gather in the Old Parish Church at 10.45 a.m. a United congregation of Old Parish, Erskine, Congregational and All Saints Scottish Episcopal people, with all the ministers taking part. At 11 a.m. the congregation will be called to stand and observe the two minutes silence.

"What mean ye by these stones?". These stones of remembrance of the fallen in battle remind us of many things. They remind us of the terrible cost of war, not so much in wealth but in human suffering, in blighted hopes and homes and young lives. But in this Remembrance Day message of this Magazine I want you to go with me on a brief survey of a few of the many stones of remembrance in our land that remind us of great sacrifice and great men and women who have played their part in giving us the blessing of liberty and prosperous days we now enjoy in this land.

Let us in paying an imaginary visit to London look in at Westminster Abbey, and go along the road leading to Trafalgar Square an look at three or four stones of remembrance, and ask "What mean ye by these stones?"

First a Memorial in Grosvenor Square

It was set up after the last war in memory of Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States of America. This memorial is not stone but grey-green bronze, but that doesn't make any difference to our text. It is the statue of a man who had suffered a lot in his life from cruel paralysis of his legs, but who in spite of physical handicap carried on with the great game of life, and in time became President of that great people, the Americans, and led them in the dark days of the last war to come over to the side of Britain and our allies. It was Roosevelt who, because he was so much with us in the early dark days of the war when we stood alone, invented a means of helping us called "lease lend", and who eventually brought the whole might of the United States over to our side. Franklin Roosevelt was a humble Christian, a brave and great man as well as one of the world's leading statesmen. And the interesting thing about his statue in Grosvenor Square is that it depicts him standing up, a thing he rarely ever did in physical posture. For owing to his crippling paralysis he had to sit all the time, when making his speeches or when travelling or doing any kind of work. But the meaning of this statue is to remind us that he didn't sit down,in the dust of despair before his paralysis but all the time battled against it, stood up to it, and found every means that might help him to get his muscles working and be able to carry on with life and make a grand success of it despite disabilities and handicaps. And he brought that same spirit into the leading of his people in the dark days of the war, fighting bank against the monstrous powers of evil which were threatening the security and freedom of all peace-loving people in the world.

And as we halt by that memorial in Grosvenor Square to Franklin Roosevelt and ask this question of our text, the answer comes clear and simple, that there need never be despair or defeat in life, that even though we cannot stand up physically because of some misfortune, we can stand up in spirit and be victorious and carry on with a good and happy and useful life.

We leave Grosvenor Square and now enter Westminster Abbey, and the first memorial that attracts our attention is in the form of a tomb. And it bears this inscription: "Beneath this stone lies the body of a British Warrior unknown by name or rank".

Why was the body of this nameless warrior buried in this prominent place in the presence of the reigning monarch? Because this unknown warrior stands for a large host of men and women whom we will remember on Sunday, 14th Novembe, men and women who loved life dearly, but in evil days of war were called to lay down their lives for our freedom.

And on that Sunday we will remember both the known and the unknown who in the two world wars went forth and returned no more. Here in Langholm you know the names of noble men and women who returned not, and of course many of those who died in the cause of peace were never found, their bodies lie in the deeps of the ocean, or in the deserts of Africa, or in the jungles of Burma, and so it is necessary to have a tomb to the Unknown Warriors, as well as memorials to those who were buried in places known to us. And as we stand by this tomb to the Unknown Warrior in Westminster Abbey a child may today ask: "What mean ye by this stone?" For a child knows little or nothing about the wars we are recalling, and you can give that child an answer coming right from the lips of our blessed Master, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends"; For this is what both the known and the unknown warriors did, and we will remember them with 'reverence and pride, and pray God that this country of ours may never be wanting in men and women of their courage and devotion, ready when the call comes to give themselves for others.

Bcfore we leave Westminster Abbey there is another tomb we must notice of one whose name is not unknown, the memorial to David Livingstone.

This memorial, like that to Roosevelt, is not in stone but brass, and as we stand before it, and a child asks us, "What mean ye by this memorial?" we all know what to answer, for it speaks to us of a great Scotsman who lived his grand life to help to bring the peoples of the great continent of Africa out of the horrors of the slave trade, and bring to them the massage of the Gospel and Christian civilisation. Written on the tomb of Livingstone is this tribute, "Brought by faithful hands, over land and sea, here rests David Livingstone, Missionary, Traveller, Philanthropist, born March 13th, 1813. Died May 1st, 1873. Thirty years of his life was spent in unwearied efforts to evangelise the native races, to explore the undiscovered secrets, to abolish the desolating slave trade of Central Africa, where, with his last words he wrote, "All I can add to my solitude is, may heaven's rich blessing come down on everyone, American, British or Turk who will help to heal this open sore of the world". And before we turn away from this memorial we offer an earnest silent prayer that heaven's blessing may rest richly upon our Prime Minister and all others like minded who are in these present days seeking a peaceful solution to the problems of Rhodesia, that beautiful part of Africa Livingstone did so much to open up to civilisation.

But after we leave Westminster Abbey let us go a little way along Trafalgar Square, passing a number of statues and memorials to famous men and women. One to the great sailor, maimed but indomitable, whose last order rings out as clearly today as it did on 21st October, 1805 "England expects every man this day to do his duty." And a few yards further on we halt before a column which on its four sides bears the four words, "Humanity, Sacrifice, Fortitude, and Devotion".

Four simple words indicating four of the noblest virtues anyone could possess. And on the front of the column we notice this brief inscription, "Brussels, Dawn, October 12th, 1915".

This very short epitaph speaks volumes in meaning for below it are some words, the last words spoken by Nurse Edith Cavell to her Chaplain in Brussels on the night before she went before the German firing squad for helping British and French prisoners of war to escape. These are the actual words she spoke to the only visitor she was allowed, the British Chaplain, who found her with no words of bitterness, only of forgiveness. She said, "I have nothing to complain of in the way they have treated me. I am glad to die for my country. Standing as I do now in view of God and Eternity, I realise that patriotism is not enough, that it is not enough to love your own only, you must love all, you must hate none".

Patriotism, love of our own country is a grand thing, and shame on anyone who does anything to bring dishonour upon the name of the race or country that has given them birth. Edith Cavell loved her home country, its beautiful green fields and woodlands and its culture. At the beginning of the First World War she found herself serving as a civilian nurse in Brussels, where she had gone to influence the middle classes of Belgium that it should be looked upon as the most honoured profession for a gentlewoman to serve as a nurse. Her mission had been most successful. The Belgian gentlewomen caught from her the inspiration to serve. They put themselves under her training and together they swept the old obsolete methods of nursing out of the Belgian hospitals. It happened that while Belgium in 1914 was not ready for war, Miss Cavell was ready to meet some of the sufferings of war. From the Institute Medical de Berkendael in Brussels there came under her training a noble company of nurses to meet the needs of the day. Before long the city was in German hands. But Nurse Cavell and her staff remained at their posts. They did not choose their cases. Suffering was the same whether it was in a German or a soldier of our Allies. Many a child in Germany would have grown up fatherless had it not been for the care and nursing of those devoted women. Along with this work Nurse Cavell did everything in her power to seek out and provide rescue for British and French soldiers who having escaped capture were in hiding in Brussels. But the discovery of this work was soon to come. One morning she was arrested in the midst of her work, thrown into a prison cell where she remained in solitary confinement for ten weeks, and then sentenced to death. On the night before her execution by the firing squad the British Chaplain visited her and they partook of the Holy Communion together, and after receiving the bread and wine, repeated together words of the hymn "Abide With Me"

"I fear no foe with Thee at hand to bless,

Ills have no weight and tears no bitterness.

Where is death's sting? Where grave thy victory?

I triumph still if Thou abide with me."

After the war her body was removed from Brussels and laid to rest under the shade of the lovely Cathedral in Norwich, and is now a bed of flowers which she so dearly loved.

As we stand by the War Memorial on Sunday, 14th November, let us recall our text "What mean ye by these stones?",and remember the memorial to Franklin Roosevelt speaking about triumph over handicap; the memorial to the Unknown Warrior and pray God our country may never be wanting men and women of like courage and devotion; the memorial to David Livingstone and remember the young nations of Africa waking and rising out of their long childhood and pray God they may be saved from violence and bloodshed with each other; and finally the memorial to Nurse Edith Cavell and remember how her love of her country was not that fanatical natonalism that breeds hate and contempt for the other nations and people, for she had learned from her Christian training to look upon the people of the whole world as her brothers and sisters. So as we in our imagination stand by the stone bearing her name, and hear someone ask what it means, give the answer, love your country as she did, but because you are a follower of the Lord Jesus, like Nurse Edith Cavell learn to love your enemies and have no bitterness in your hearts towards anyone.

Harvest and Cradle Roll Services

The harvest thanksgiving Services were well attended, and the young people did exceptionally well in the part they played in the Morning Service. Lessons were distinctly and well read by Moira Bell, Anne Young, Sheila Lamont, Roddy Innes, and Jeffrey Ireland. Many thanks to Misses Jean and Lila McVittie for arranging the Cradle Roll Service and their good work throughout the year in sending out birthday greetings to the children whose names are on the Roll. For the three years past sixty three names have been placed on the Roll, and of these one of the babies is now in Nigeria and another in Zambia.

Many thanks to all who sent in gifts for harvest, including the children's gifts. These were distributed locally to aged and sick, and to hospitals in Langholm, Carlisle and Dumfries, and Benray at Lockerbie. Thanks to the Women's Guild for the decoration of the Church and dividing out the gifts on Sunday evening, and to the good friends who helped with cars in the distribution.

I am sorry that our harvest Services were on the early side for many this year. The long period of unfavourable weather making the harvest very late, and the fatal habit I have of fixing dates for events ahead accounts for this.

Remembrance Day United Services

I am glad to say that all the Langholm Churches have again agreed to unite and attend the Old Parish Church on Sunday, 14th November. The Langholm Branch of the British Legion will parade along with other uniformed organisations, meeting at Buccleuch Square at 10 a.m. and moving off in time to gather at the War Memorial at 10.15 a.m. when after wreath laying by the Legion, the Provost and others, the piper will play The Flo'ers o' the Forest and the cornet player will sound the Last Post and Reveille. Ministers present will read scripture and take prayers.

We ask the congregation to be seated by 10.45 a.m. so that the Service will be underway for observing the Two Minutes Silence at 11 a.m. All the Langholm ministers including Revd. G. V. Kendall will take part. The Earl Haig Fund Collection will, as last year, be taken on retiring from the Church. We appeal for a generous response to this Collection, remembering that in this present coming winter 1965/66 over £800 is being expended from the Fund for help in extra coal to ex-servicemen and dependants in our district.

Sympathy With the Bereaved

During the past month we lost one of our former regular worshippers in the passing of Mrs Mary Lightbody McQuillin of Charles Street New. Mrs McQuillin loved her church and when she was able she was always in her pew. She passed away suddenly and unexpectedly. Our sincere sympathy with Hugh in the loss of his mother and with all other relatives.

As I write this letter I have just learned of the sudden passing of the Revd. John Robert, B.A., J.P., minister of Southdean and Edgerston. Mr. Roberts was well known in our congregation. In the ministry of Revd. J. L. Cotter, Mr. Roberts came to the Old Parish Church to dedicate the Individual Communion Cups. We had a pulpit exchange about two years ago. He was a man of great charm of personality and known and loved by people throughout the border district. Our deepest sympathy with his wife and family.

With warm greetings to all our people.

Yours sincerely,

TOM CALVERT, Minister.


Collections for October, 1965

FWO £179 1 6 Ordinary: £51 0 10

By Annual envelopes £63 6 0 By collecting boxes £7 6 5


At a meeting of the Kirk Session on Friday, 29th October the minister reported that Mr. John Tyman had kindly undertaken to continue in office as Session Clerk. This was received with great satisfaction and pleasure by the members of the Kirk Session.

On Sunday, 31st October the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was celebrated at the Morning and Afternoon Services when 451 attended. The following were received into membership at the Morning Service.

First Communicants on Profession of Faith

Miss Dinah Joan Smith, 75 Caroline Street; Kenneth Blackie, 14 Newton Street, East Houses, Dalkeith; Ian Copeland, 42 Holmwood Drive; Stewart Hogg, Milnholm; Andrew Hogg, Milnholm.

By Certificate

Mr. and Mrs. Alec Hutton, 39 Henry Street,from St. Columba's, Glenrothes; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hudson, 7 Walter Street, from Langholm E.U. Church; Mr. and Mrs. J. Park, 1 Holmwood Drive, restored to roll; Mrs. E. Lunn, Ashley Bank Hotel, from Dunfermline; Mr. Andrew Irving, Townhead House, from Westerkirk; Mrs. W. E. A. Bell, 21 Eskdaill Street, from Canonbie Parish; Mr. and Mrs. D. Lamont, Rosevale Street, from Hawick Trinity; Mrs. J. N. F. Reid, 34 Caroline Street, from Canonbie Parish; Police Constable and Mrs. Kenneth Bruce, Police Station, from Dalbeattie, Craignair; Mr. and Mrs. G. Price, 52 William Street, from Braid Church, Edinburgh; Mr. and Mrs. George Scott, Caulfield, from Saughtree; Mr. and Mrs., and Miss Yvonne Coultherd, Bruntshielbog, from St. Mary's West, Selkirk; Mrs. Doreen Smith, Arkinholm Terrace, from Church of England, Carlisle; Mrs. Ina Symkowiak, 2 Walter Street, restored; Mrs. Margaret Hotson, 15 John Street, restored from Chalmers Roll; Mr. and Mrs. Alec Watson, 36 Holmwood Drive, from Hopetoun Church, Edinburgh; Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Anderson, Westwater Cottage; Mr. and Mrs. Allan McGinley, 93 Caroline Street, from Thornhill; Mr. and Mrs. David Little, 91 Caroline Street, from Dumfries; Mr. and Mrs. Davidson, 11 Charles Street Old, from Annan St. Andrew's; Mrs. Janet Hotson, Birnie, Eskdaill Street, from Canonbie Parish.


At a recent meeting of the Congregational Board a report was received on the urgent necessity for rewiring of the Parish Church owing to frequent fusing of lights recently. Meantime the matter is being surveyed and we hope to have the work put in hand as soon as possible. It is the opinion of the Board that the lighting system could be greatly improved. The work will be costly and special efforts will be made throughout the winter and next summer to raise funds to build up the Fabric Fund for this purpose. At a later meeting of the Board the minister reported that in his visiting during the previous week one home had given him £100 in cash towards the rewiring of the church, and wished their names not to be mentioned. At the same meeting Mr. David Calvert, Charlotte Street, was appointed convener of the Church Fabric Committee.

YOUNG WIVES FELLOWSHIPIn the last visitation of the congregation by members of the Congregation Board there were a few requests for an afternoon meeting for young wives, to which they could bring their infants. A meeting is called for Wednesday, 24th November in the vestry at 7 p.m. to discuss the proposal. Will all interested make an effort to attend.


The first meeting of the Guild for the new session got off with a good start when Mr. and Mrs. J. Morrison talked about a holiday in the Canary Islands and showed lovely coloured slides. The slides were shown by Miss Brenda Morrison. The minister moved a vote of thanks.

The second meeting held on October 26 was an open night and had a large attendance when a film on the building of Coventry Cathedral was shown by the builders, Messrs J. Laing and Son. A vote of thanks to Messrs Cameron and Hardon was moved by Mrs. Carter, Guild President, and warmly responded to. It was intimated that the next meeting of the Guild would be Tuesday, 9th November when Mr. Tom Coulson will talk on Continental Holidays, with coloured slides. On November 23, our Guild is invited to be the guests of the Erskine Guild. On November 30 we will have the Erskine Guild as our guests, when the programme will be a concert organised by Mr. McGhee of Lochmaben.


The Boys' Brigade will attend Church for the annual enrolment Service at the Morning Service on Sunday, 28th November. We hope for a good congregation to witness the boys renewing their promises.


The Youth Fellowship now meets in the Youth Centre on Sunday evening at 7.30 p.m. The first half hour is open for use of Club facilities and from 8 to 9 p.m. a session of religious interest is conducted by one of the ministers of the Langholm Churches.


October 17, Louise Matthews, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Benson, 109 Henry Street.

November 7, Brian James, son of Mr. and Mrs.George Wood, Harelaw Gate, Canonbie.


October 15, Robert Copeland Cavers, 29 Henry Street and Violet Nichol Steele, 18 Charles Street New.


September 29, Mrs. Mary Lightbody McQuillin, 24 Charles Street New. Aged 78.

"I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand." John 10. 28.


November 7-11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Revd. Tom Calvert., Flowers, Mrs. A Smith, 7 Holmwood Crescent

November 14, Remembrance Day Service 10.45 a.m. This is a United Service of all Langholm Churches attended by the British Legion. 6 p.m. Evening Service, Revd. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. Wm. Elliot, 3 Buccleuch Terrace. No Sunday School on Remembrance Sunday.

November 21-11 a.m. Revd. Tom Calvert. 6 p.m. Evening Service. Flowers, Mrs. Wm. Black 35a Eskdaill Street.

November 28, St. Andrew Sunday. 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Revd. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Miss Mary Dalgliesh, 13 David Street.

December 5-11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Revd. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. Wood, National Bank House.


The Congregational Board will meet on Thursday, 25th November, at 7.30 p.m. in the Vestry.

No meeting of the Kirk Session in November.