Langholm Old Church Parish Magazine

N0.102                       Price 1/2 - with LIFE AND HOME - 6d LOCAL MAGAZINE ONLY                        NOVEMBER 1969.

Minister: Revd. Tom Calvert, The Old Manse, Langholm. Tel. 256.

Session Clerk: Alexander Hutton, Savings Bank, Market Place, Langholm

Clerk to Board: Mr. E. C. Armstrong, Town Hall, Langholm , Tel. 255

Treasurer: Mr. Donald Lamont, Rosevale Street.

Organist: Mr. A. C. Mallinson, A.R.C.O., L.R.A.M., 72 Henry Street.

Church Officer: Mr. W Elliot, 3 Buccleuch Terrace.

Hall Caretaker: Mr Donaldson, 7 West Street.

Text for November: “When I was hungry, you gave me food.”St. Matt. 25.35.

These words of Jesus emphasise his deep concern and compassion for the hungry, a concern so great that he regarded anything done to relieve the needs of the hungry as done unto himself. It seems likely that our Lord knew a lot about the pangs of hunger from His own upbringing in the home in Nazareth. Tradition has it that Joseph died while Jesus was a mere lad, and as there were now younger brothers and sisters in the family the task of breadwinner fell upon the shoulders of Jesus at an early age, and that during those early days they experienced very hard times. From various references in our Lord’s teaching, He shows that He knew much about the necessity of avoiding waste of food, which suggests that in the humble home in Nazareth they had to ration out the bread very carefully. After the feeding of the five thousand with the loaves and fishes, Iesus instructed His disciples to gather up the fragments that remained to that nothing would be wasted. So we can well understand our Lord having a fellow feeling with the hungry and those feeling the pinch.

One Day’s Pay Appeal to all Members of the Church.

Church of Scotland members are asked to give a day's pay on 30th November, St. Andrew’s Day, as an emergency contribution towards world development. Money raised as the result of this appeal will go to a series of projects in developing countries through Christian Aid, the British Council of Churches’ Relief and Development agency. The request for ta day's pay came from this year’s General Assembly which had the claims of the developing countries strongly brought to its attention through Committee reports, and more dramatically, through a petition from three young people in Arbroath, led by Mrs. Mary Mckelvie, a young ‘housewife and mother of three children. It was pointed out that 80 per cent. of the worlds population lives on only 10 per cent. of the world’s income and are under nourished. In Britain we are not mostly wealthy but corporately have vast resources. This is evident from the fact that in our country we spend annually £200 million on sweets, £40 million on slimming aids, over £300 million on care of pets, and £3,704 million on tobacco and alcohol. The Church is not asking its members to abandon their participation in all such spending, but calls for responsible sharing with the hungry and needy of the world.

Each member of the Old Parish will receive an envelope and a leaflet giving details of how the money will be spent. The appeal is not directed to pensioners


You may well ask why are so many people hungering in a world of plenty, and the answer lies in a variety of reasons. In some cases, like Biafra and Nigeria, the cause is civil war and political strife. In India and many parts of Africa there is hunger because no food is growing for lack of rain fall. The root causes of course are bound up with world economics, international finance and trading policy. In these lands where there is hunger the picture is all too familiar of little children with pot bellies and ulcers due to want of the right kind of food.

I wish to stress that caring for the hungry is something that has ever lain heavily upon the Christian conscience.

So much so that Jesus regarded it as something done for His very self. “Inasmuch as ye did it unto the least of these ye did it unto me.” I admit, of course, that this spirit of caring for the hungry did not begin with the coming of Jesus, and the virtue of giving to relieve the hungry is not ‘confined to people of Christian profession. The Moslems hold an annual season of fasting, because the founder of their faith exhorts in the Koran that his followers are charitable to the needy. Mohammed once said: “Giving a thirsty one a drink, setting a lost one on the right road, and smiling in your brother’s face, that is charity.” And of course the ancient jews long before the coming of Jesus were exhorted by the Prophets to have concern for the hungry. Again and again in the Old Testament you find reference to caring for the fatherless and widows, and condemnation of those who exploit the poor anid hungry. But with the coming of Iesus the cause of the hungry found its champion, and His very name has ever since stood over any cause that was seeking to relieve want and destitution. In the chapter from which our text comes, Jesus said that those who are callous to the needs of the hungry are none of His: “Depart from me or I was an hungered and ye gave me no meat.” And we know that the Early Church followed our Lord’s example in the care of the hungry . This is how the office of Deacon first came into use, when in the Early Church during a time of famine the Apostles found all their time taken, up serving tables to feed the victims of famine, so that they neglected the work of preaching. So they prayed over the problem and were guided by the Holy Spirit to appoint seven men of honest report to look after the business of feeding the hungry. And these men were called Deacons. And it is interesting to recall that in the Communion Service of the Early Church the people brought their Qflering mostly in kind, bread and wine, and after taking from the bread and wine sufiicient for what they called the Love Feast, the remainder was dis- tributed to the poor and hungry. And down through the history of the Christian Church this care was exercised by the early monasteries, they were places where the poor and hungry might go at any time for food and clothing and shelter. This was a marked service t-o the world during the Dark Ages. And in our own land, during the terrible days of poverty in the dark chapters of our history, every effort that was made to raise the standard of living and bring relief to the hungry was the work of Christian men and women. Iohn Howard and Richard Cobden set about the task of repealing the terrible English Corn Laws which had resulted in thousands of deaths from starvation.

And this is the aim of our Overseas Missionary work. In the early days of what used to be called Foreign Missions, the idea of many at home of a missionary was of a man wearing a long tailed dark coat, with a high silk hat, wandering about the African jungle carrying a huge Bible. But David Livingstone told Dr. Moffat, later his father-in-law, that that was not his idea, that he was going to carry a spade when necessary, tools to help people build proper homes, teach them to grow crops and heal their bodies. And because of this Livingstone had later to leave the service of the London ‘Missionary Society because many of the supporters of the Society were shocked when they heard he was doing this kind of work. But Livingstone set the pattern of present day missionary work in Africa, India and the Islands of the Sea, the work is not only to teach the way of Salvation by faith and following the Lord Iesus, but to organise schools where minds are enlightened, hospitals where bodies are healed, and set on foot all kinds of projects that help backward people to a happier and healthier way of living.

How the Money will be Spent.

Givings to this Appeal, which is being organised through presbyteries and congregations, will go to a number of development projects in India, Pakistan, Zambia, Kenya, Jamaica and other countries where the Church of Scotland and Christian Aid works jointly. The leaflet sent out with this magazine lists the programme, which covers agriculture, medicine, vocational training and community development. The aim of Christian Aid to which all branches of the Church contribute. is to help people help themselves. Christian Aid is a gneat international attempt to tackle the causes of hunger, based on three central facts. That more than one half of the world’s population are either underfed or badly fedvthat this need not be so it present-day knowledge was effectively applied and that this relief will happen only when the hungry are helped to help themselves. Here are one or two examples of what has and is being planned to do. In one district in India with the help of Christian Aid a factory has been built to provide protein cattle cake from waste products, which is estimated will raise the milk production by 75 per cent. and thereby bring nourishment to thousands of families. In another district near Bombay the population is being helped by Christian Aid to bore for wells. provide pumps and showing by irrigation how to make land fertile and raise crops. And of course this is all in line with the concept of missionary work begun by David Livingstone over a hundred year ago, but until recent years only supported by a small section of the evangelical Churches, but is now being supported by people outside the Churches and by people of other religions than Christianity And it is work which we do to honour the name of Him who I900 years ago said: “You have my Fathers blessing . . . for when I was hungry, you gave me food; when thirsty, you gave me drink; when I was a stranger, you took me into your home." Whatever you give to this One Day’s Pay Appeal. remember that every penny given goes to a work that lies very near to the heart of Him who said: “Inasmuch as ye did it to the least of these, ye did it unto Me."

There is a legend of Martin of Tours, the soldier saint of the fourth century. One cold winter day when he was entering the city a beggar asked him for alms. Martin had nothing with him to give, but the beggar was blue with cold and shivering. So Martin took off his old worn soldier’s cloak, cut it in two with his sword, and gave one half to the beggar with his blessing. That night Martin had a dream. He dreamt he was in heaven and all the hosts of saints and angels were gathered around Jesus, and Jesus was wearing the half of a Roman soldier’s worn cloak. Then he heard one of the angels ask Jesus: “Master, why are you wearing that old cloak and where did you get it?” And Jesus answered: “My servant Martin gave it to me.” If anything is true of Christianity this is true. that when we help a fellow mortal, we gladden the heart of our blessed Saviour who said: “Inasmuch as ye do it unto the least of these, ye do it unto Me."


Dear Fellow-Member,

I am sorry for a week’s delay in delivery of the parish magazine and Life and Work this month but pressure of duties compelled the delay. Consequently I have not been able to explain before Remembrance Day that we are reverting to the former arrangements for the wreath laying ceremony at the War Memorial at 10.30 a.m. Also to remind everyone that the Earl Haig Offering is again to be taken on retiring from the Service in church. As secretary of the Earl Haig Fund (Scotland) Relief Committee for Langholm, Canonbie and Newcastleton, I am in a position to say that to date 95 applicants have been granted aid in this district, each to the value of £6. It is interesting that 95 per cent. of these applicants are First World War servicemen or dependents. and any of us who remember the First World War know how miserably poor was the pay and rewards for our brave and loyal soldiers of that time. Any little" thing we can do today to help them feel they are remembered with gratitude is important.

Gift To My Church Appeal.

As I explained in my letter to each of our members, our assessment to what was previously known as the Co-ordinated Appeal, now called the Church of Scotland Mission and Service Fund, has been increased from £322 in I968 to £500 for the present year. This, plus our obligation to contribute £330 to the Maintenance of the Ministry Fund, and £67 to the Aged and Infirm Ministers Fund, was to leave us with a deficit of £500 at the end of the present financial year. Of course half of this sum is the deficit carried over from 1968. In order to end the present year with a balanced account I was authorised by the Congregational Board to make a direct appeal to each of our nine hundred or more members to make a gift of money in the envelope accompanying the appeal. I am grateful to Mr. Robert Black and members of the Board for their willing help in addressing and dispatching the appeals, and to 408 of our members for responding and contributing generously to the amount to date of £350. I should explain that we are assessed by the Presbytery and Church and Ministry Department in Edinburgh so much per member, and last year it amounted to a total of £1027. It is by this means that the Church of Scotland maintains the various activities of providing ministers for Church Extension, Overseas Missions, and carries on a large and important work of social welfare. The unfortunate thing about meeting our assessements is that a large percentage of the membership do not con- tribute to the Church in a regular way, which means that those who do have to pay for those who don’t. We do not expect pensioners or non-earning members to contribute, but I must say that pensioners have been among the first to respond to my recent appeal and have given more than I feel they can aiford. In these days of high income tax I would urge every member to consider whether they are in a position to contribute to the Church by Deed of Covenant and enable us to reclaim tax at no extra cost to themselves. Forms for doing this can be obtained and any advice given by consulting with Mr. Donald Lamont, our Church Treasurer. It is possible for any member giving say 3/- each week in the church oflering to sign a Deed of Covenant and lfior thlait weekly contribution over the year amounting to £7 l6s. we would recover approxi- mately £3 tax making your contribution £10 16s without extra cost to you.

Communion Sunday and Newly-Appointed Session Clerk.

The attendance was only slightly up on October l968 when 446 attended, this year 462. In addition I have celebrated the Sacrament in the homes of the houseb-ound this year for 20 of our members, making the total 482. As we were without a Session Clerk from September with the departure of Mr. Alec Hutton, I wish to thank Mr. Robert Black for taking charge of Communion arrangements on this occasion. Mr. Black has now undertaken the duty of Communion Roll Keeper and it would help him if the elders in returning their district books would see any changes of address corrected. At’ the meeting of the Kirk Session on Friday, 24th October, the Session unanimously approved the appointment of Mr. Archibald Findlay, Langholm Lodge, as Session Clerk. We welcome Mr. Findlay in this very important oflice and I look forward to working with him in the future. We also warmly appreciate the part Mrs. Findlay is taking as a Sunday School teacher.

One Day’s Pay Appeal.

It is unfortunate that I have the duty of commending this “One Day’s Pay” appeal right on top of our local appeal “knit To My Church”, but all ministers of the Church of Scotland are instructed to do at this time by a resolution of the General Assembly. I have given details of this appeal in my Message for November and all I will say here is that my wife and I have both decided to respond to the appeal of giving one day’s pay for the cause of feeding the hungry in the world. Envelopes and a leaflet giving details on how the money given will be used are being distributed along with the magazines, and any member not taking the magazine anl wishing to contribute can have an envelope and leaflet from the table in the church vestibule.

Woman’s Guild.

The Guild members have enjoyed four meetings in October, first on Tuesday the month when we enjoyed the privilege of a visit from the Countess of Mar and Kellie. We found her a most charming guest at the Manse and at the Guild meeting when she took as the title of her address “A Dialogue Between the Generations.” Everyone present, including guests from Carlisle Church of Scotland, Canonbie and Longtown Church of Scotland, Arthuret and Kirkandrews Church of England, Canonbie U.F. Church and the Young Wives Fellowship, all greatly enjoyed the lively discussion with Lady Mar.

On Monday, 20th, our Guild members were guests of the All Saints Scottish Episcopal Church ladies at a meeting in the Buccleuch Hall when after a moving address by Miss Ruth Presslie, the ladies enjoyed refreshments.

Then the same week, on Thursday, 23rd, our Guild ladies were the guests of the Young Wives Fellowship in our hall and were welcomed by Mrs. Dorothy Hutton, president. The Langholm Town Band provided a varied programme which ‘was greatly enjoyed.

On Tuesday, 28th, the Guild programme was two most interesting and thought-provoking films, one about the new town of Cumbernauld and the other about West Indian immigrants in Britain. The films were projected by Mr. John Scott on the Youth Club projector.

The next meeting of the Guild is on Tuesday, llth November, when the Rev. Dr. John Kennedy will be talking about a visit to U.S.A. illustrating his talk with coloured slides. On Tuesday, 25th November, the Guild will have a visit from the Rev. Geofirey Hill, B.A., Rector of Arthuret Parish Church, Longtown. Mr. Hill will talk about a visit to Iona, illustrating his talk with coloured slides.

Special Services in November.

Sunday, 9th Remembrance Day Service at 10.50 a.m. with wreath laying ceremony at War Memorial at lO.3O a.m. The usual Evening Service at 6 p.m.

Sunday, 16th—9.30 a.m. half hour Service. The ll a.m. Service will be attended by the Boys’ Brigade for their annual Enrolment Service. There will be two baptisms at the commencement of this Service.

On this Sunday l6th November there will be NO EVENING SERVICE as I am guest preacher that evening in Wallace Green Presbyterian Church, Berwick-upon-Tweed, at the annual Communion Service of the Presbytery of Berwick.

On Sunday, 23rd November, we will have Services at 9.30 a.m. (half-hour Service), 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. On Sunday, 30th November St. Andrew’s Day, the last 9.30 a.m. half-hour Service for the present year will be held. We will re-commence the half-hour Services in March l970. On Sunday, 30th, the preacher at the ll a.m. and 6 p.m. Services will be the Rev. Dr. John Kennedy. On that Sunday the Rev. John W. Moule, B.Sc., will conduct the Services in Canonbie and Longtown as sole nominee, and as Interim Moderator I require to be present to call the congregations to vote after the Services. On Sunday. 7th December, we look forward to having the Langholm Town Band leading the Evening Service in Christmas Carols.Sympathy With The Bereaved.

On 11th October Miss Jessie Ferguson, Neidpath, Walter Street, passed away in the Thomas Hope Hospital at the age of 8l. She was well known to all our people and a devoted member and supporter of the Old Parish Church. Jessie lived in ‘happy memories of her late brother, Rev. John Scoon Ferguson, and his adventurous service as a missionary in Africa. For many years she has enjoyed the companionship and care of her neice Jean, and the constant remembrance of her nephew Ian. lessie was a kindly and neighbourly person, always concerned about anyone in illness or trouble, and had a special love for children and was most generous in gifts to children, Our deepest sympathy with Jean and Ian in their bereavement.

On 2lst October Miss Janet Watson, 54 Henry Street, passed suddenly away at the age of 80. She was a most faithful member of the Church and Woman’s Guild and on the very night before her passing away I spoke to her as she came out of the meeting in the Buccleuch Hall where our Guild was present as guests of the ladies of All Saints Episcopal Church, and she said she had greatly enjoyed the meeting and a good tea. Our sorrow at her sudden passing. Both Miss Watson and Miss Ferguson were interred in family lairs in Wauchope Churchyard.

On 22nd October Robert Reid, formerly of Waverley Cottage, passed away in the Thomas Hope Hospital at the age -of 81. He gave heroic service to his country in the First World War, serving with pride in the Royal Engineers. For the past three years he has been in failing health and was latterly living with his son John in Holmwoord Crescent.

On 31st October Mrs. Mary Andruetta Murray passed away in York at the age of 67 and was interred in Langholm Cemetery. Mrs. Murray, formerly Mary Barr of High Street, has been away from Langholm since her marriage to James Murray 45 years ago. Their family, Jean and Alec were born in Barrow-on-Furness where James served in the Borough Police. Mrs. Murray was a great home lover, devoted to her Church and a keen member of the Order of the Eastern Star of which she was twice Worthy Matron. Our deepest sympathy with heir bereaved husband James, with her daughter Jean, and her son Alec, and with her sister, Margaret Woolnough.

With warm greetings to all our people.

Yours sincerely,



1968 £164 2 11

1969 £155 15 6


1968 £62 7 8

1979 £70 0 9


The following were received into membership of our Church at the October Communion.

First Communicants:

Stephen Donald Albury, 61 Eskdaill Street. lane Marilyn Graham, Ardlui, Henry Street.

By Certificate:

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hislop, Auchenrivock, from Canonbie U.F. Church.

Miss Carol Wallis, c/o Harrison, Castle View, Caroline Street, from Church of England.

Mr. Charles Graham, Ardlui, Henry Street, from Eskclalemuir Parish Church.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Bell, Caulfield, from Hutton and Corrie.


November 9, United Langholm Churches Remembrance Day Service. Flowers, Mrs. Jean Armitage, Glowrie, Hillside.

November 16, 9.30 a.m. half-hour Service. 11 a.m. Boys’ Brigade Enrolment. No Evening Service. Rev. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. W. Black, 35a Eskdaill Street.

November 23, 9.30 a.m. half-hour Service, 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Rev. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Miss Mary Dalgliesh, 13 David Street.

November 30, 9.30 a.m. half-hour Service. Rev. Tom Calvert. 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Rev. Dr. John Kennedy.

December 7-11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Rev. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. Archie Smith, High Street.


October 5, Janette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Walter Hislop, Aurchenrivock, Canonbie.

October 12, Jane Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Archie Irving, 11 Eskdaill Street.


October 11, Michael Elliot Kyle, 49 Eskdaill Street, to Agnes MacDiarmid, 33 Petteril Terrace. Harraby, Carlisle.

October 25, Charles William Graham, Waulkmill, Westerkirk, to Jane Marilyn Graham, 4 Galaside.


October 11 —]essie Ferguson, Neidpath, Walter Street. Age 81.

October 2l, Janet Watson, 54 Henry Street. Age 80.

October 22, Robert Reid, formerly of Waverley Cottage. Age 81.

October 3l, Mary Anrdruetta Murray, beloved mother of Mrs. Jean Hislop, 2 Waverley Road. Age 67.

Jesus said: “I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die." St. John 11, verses 25-26.