Langholm Old Church Parish Magazine

No.112                       Price 1/4d - with LIFE AND WORK - 8d LOCAL MAGAZINE ONLY                        October 1970.

Minister: Rev. Tom Calvert, The Old Manse, Langholm. Tel. 256.

Session Clerk: Mr. Archibald Findlay, Langholm Lodge. Tel. 453.

Clerk to Board: Mr. E. C. Armstrong, Town Hall, Langholm. Tel. 255.

Treasurer: Mr. Donald Lamont, Royal Bank of Scotland, Langholm. Tel. 430.

Organist: Mr. A. C. Mallinson, A.R.C.O., L.R.A.M., 72 Henry Street.

Church Officer: Mr. W. Elliot, 3 Buccleuch Terrace.

Hall Caretaker: Mr. John Scott, 54 William Street.

Text for October: "You are the men who stood firmly by me in my times of trial." St. Luke 22. 28. N.E.B.

There is no more moving scene in the Gospels than the occasion when Jesus met with his disciples just before eating the last Passover together. There was a sense of alarm in the air. Jesus had made secret arrangements about the place where they were to meet for the Passover Meal, lest his enemies should come in at that last sacred meeting and take him away for trial. The disciples were all fully aware that the end of a wonderful friendship was near, and as they gathered in that last secret meeting place, they waited silently to hear the last words he had to speak to them. When the meal was over, after they had broken the bread, tasted the bitter herbs, and drunk a cup of wine, Jesus did a very fine thing. He turned and paid them a very fine compliment, he spoke to them a word of thanks and praise, told them how well they had done, spoke about all their friendship and loyalty had meant to him through the difficult days of his ministry, particularly in those last few trying days. "You are the men who stood firmly by me in my times of trial", he said to them.

Think for a few minutes about our Lord's brief earthly ministry. It had been difficult enough at the beginning when those of his own family failed to understand him, and said he was beside himself, and later when people of his home town flung the jibe at him, "Is not this the carpenter's son?" But now organised opposition is mounting against him. His foes who represent the religious people of the land are seeking evidence to have him condemned to death, and yet these few friends, these twelve men, whatever their faults and failings, were still on his side and by his side. And for this Jesus is deeply grateful, and says to them in loving appreciation "You are the men who stood firmly by me in my times of trial."

On Sunday, 25th October we will all I trust, gather in the Old Parish Church to receive the bread and wine in remembrance of our Lord Jesus, and when we do so I ask you to keep this scene of our Lord's last meeting with the disciples in the Upper Room in mind. For that day we will meet together in almost identical circumstances as in the Upper Room, in a world that is pagan enough, not that there are people going around seeking evidence to crucify Christ today, but in a world where the majority of the people are just ignoring that he ever lived, that he ever died. And I believe that our living Lord finds this far more painful that the sneaking villainies of Judas, or the organised plans for His crucifixion by the Jews. This is what Studdert Kennedy says in one of his rhymes:

"When Jesus came to Golgotha they hanged Him on a tree,
They drove great nails through hands and feet, and made a Calvary;
They crowned Him with a crown of thorns, red were His wounds and deep,
For those were crude and cruel days, and human flesh was cheap.
When Jesus came to Birmingham they simply passed Him by,
They never hurt a hair of Him, they only let Him die;
For men had grown more tender, and they would not give Him pain,
They only just passed down the street, and left Him in the rain.
Still Jesus cried, "Forgive them, for they know not what they do".
And still it rained the wintry rain that drenched Him through and through;
The crowds went home and left the streets without a soul to see,
And Jesus crouched against the wall and cried for Calvary".

Yes, in a world, in a country, where the Lord Jesus is today being ignored by the masses who don't care who He was or what He did, there are still those faithful few who are standing by Him, such as those of you who will gather around the Communion Table on Sunday, 25th October, and want to suggest that these words of our text are spoken to you every bit as much as they were to Peter and John and Andrew and the rest 1900 years ago, "You are the men who stood firmly by Me in my times of trial". For whether we feel we deserve our Lord's confidence and gratitude or not, our very presence at that Service indicates that we are standing by Him when so many are ignoring the claims of the cause for which He lived and died in days when so many young people are growing up encouraged to believe that they are wiser than the parents who begat them and that the Christian civilisation they have inherited is something that would have come whether or not there had been those who suffered and died for the cause of Christ in earlier days. As we partake of the bread and wine on Sunday, 25th October I ask you to try and picture Jesus in the Upper Room 1900 years ago, thanking those twelve men for standing by Him, and to remember that out of the unseen He is speaking the same words to us as He did to them.

The first effect these words, should have upon us is to make us feel very humble.

You can imagine how the disciples felt as they listened to these words, the hurting and unhappy memories they recalled. They knew how again and again they had failed Him, they recalled their vain ambitions and harsh judgements of each other, and here is Jesus thanking and praising them for having done so well.

A young soldier who died of wounds in the Battle of Alamein asked a chaplain to write home to his mother, and to his Sunday School teacher and thank him for all he had done in influencing a young soldier to live a good wholesome life. When the once Sunday School teacher got that letter written by the chaplain he felt very humble at the praise coming to him from a young dying soldier who had once been in his class. And he replied to the Chaplain's letter saying "God forgive me, I gave up Sunday School teaching over a year ago, thinking I was wasting mv time". Yes, it is odd how we react to praise and thanks from anybody. If someone was to criticise us for our failures in Christian living we would immediately seek to defend ourselves. But if someone says to us what Jesus said to the Twelve in these words of our text a word of praise for our loyalty, we begin to feel very humble and begin to accuse ourselves for not having done better.

And these words of our text should not only have a humbling effect upon us, they should also have a heartening dignifying effect upon us.

I am sure those first disciples felt tremendously encouraged as they listened to these words spoken to them by Jesus. These words left them with the impression that in spite of all their failures they had helped Jesus and played part that really mattered. It is just possible that one or two of the disciples were thinking that they hadn't been much use to Jesus. But in our text they hear from His own lips that they had, and were playing a most praiseworthy part. And this is just what Jesus would say to many of us as we take the bread and wine in the Sacrament that by playing the humblest part in His service, perhaps only the witness of needing Him and Owning Him by attending the Sacrament, we are among those for whom He has a special word of praise because we are standing by His Church and cause in the world in days when many have deserted Him. For this implies that our lives have a great meaning in the eternal scheme of Almighty God for the salvation of the world, that our lives count with Him as much as the lives of the great pioneers and reformers, because we are doing the same work for Christ in perhaps a different and less exciting way. And here I would press the point home with the young people of our congregation, that in ten or twenty years or more as you look back upon your life, you will have regrets for some of the things you did in years past, but as you look back upon the way you stood by the Lord Jesus, His Church and Cause in the world, that will be something you will never regret, and it will add to your lives a sense of purpose and worth and dignity that will fade or depart from you.

And these words of our text lay upon us a challenge to strive and serve our Lord Jesus better.

These words of praise for the part we have played in His service lay upon us all anew that we are honour-bound to stand by Him with a new pride and firmness for the cause for which Jesus lived and died. Of course it is a grim battle to which we are called as Christian men and women, this job of standing by Jesus in a world and age that is so indifferent to Him, and there comes times for us all when we feel like giving it all up.

There is a story about a young soldier in the First World War on the Western Front taking fright and running away from the inferno of the front line when he met one of the officers of his regiment coming towards him. The soldier might have been court-martialled for desertion, but the officer knew all about fear, and simply laid his hand upon the lad's shoulder and turning him round in the direction of the front line again said, "your road lies that way, you know". And our text speaks something like that to us when our faith is burning low, as we listen to our Lord's thanks and praise for the part we have played in His service, we are sent back into the fighting line knowing how much He is depending upon us, how much He is reckoning upon our loyalty, how much He is leaning upon our strength in the battle for His kingdom in our day and generation. And when all the noise and smoke of the battle has cleared away and our work is finished here, these words will come back to us with a still grander sense of pride and joy and heavenly peace, "You are the men the women who stood firmly by me in my times of trial".


Dear Fellow-Member,

Appointment of Organist and Choirmaster

At a meeting of the Kirk Session last Sunday morning, an application from Mr. James Cecil Carmichael for the vacant post of Organist and Choirmaster was submitted and after discussion Mr. Carmichael was duly appointed. Since the passing-away of Mr. Andrew Mallinson we have been indebted to Mr. Carmichael for playing at weddings and at the Services during August. Mr. Carmichael is anxious to build up a Junior Choir, and I hope he will meet with a good response from our young people. He will also be greatly encouraged if former members of the Senior Choir would support him, and new members will be warmly welcomed. Arrangements for Choir Practices will be intimated later.

At this point I wish to express our warmest appreciation of the splendid services of Mrs. Mary Barker at the organ on recent Sundays. For close on two years Mrs. Barker has played the piano for the 9.30 a.m. Half-Hour Service and arranged several special items from time to time. Her skill and experience as a pianist is well known in the district, and I must say she has greatly impressed us all in playing the organ with so little previous experience of its complicated mechanism. On behalf of the Kirk Session and members of the Old Parish Church I wish here to express our best thanks.

I would also like here to thank Mrs. Roebuck for her services on the piano recently. Mrs. Roebuck has given me a lot of help in the small choir that has this year supported the Half-Hour Service, and only recently we have discovered her to be a first-rate pianist. Also thanks to Mrs. Mina Carter who recently played at an Evening Service, and Mrs. Burnett who is always ready to come to our help.

Langholm Town Band

During my ministry in Langholm I have received a lot of support from the Langholm Town Band for special Services. On Sunday, 4th October, Mr. Young brought his Bandboys to the Half-Hour Service and rendered to the delight of the congregation the music of Belmont, set to "By cool Siloam", and the well known Boys' Brigade hymn, "Will your anchor hold?" The congregation was so delighted with the part the Bandboys played that they found it difficult to restrain themselves giving applause. On the Harvest Thanksgiving Sunday, 18th October, we are to have a Quartette from the Band at the Half-Hour Service singing the lovely harvest hymn, "Yes, God is good". On Sunday, 8th November the Langholm Town Band will lead the praise at the Annual Remembrance Day Service. And again on Sunday, 13th December the Band has undertaken to lead an Evening Service of Carols and Christmas music.

Thanks to Mr. Gerald C. Moule, B.A., and Mr. Robert Hart

Mr. Gerald Moule, son of Rev. and Mrs. Moule of Canonbie Parish Church, was our preacher at the Half-Hour Service on Sunday, 4th October, being, I believe, his first sermon in church. He has recently qualified as a Chartered Accountant, and now is following his father's example in entering the ministry of the Church of Scotland, commencing his Divinity course for the Hon, B,D. in New College, Edinburgh, this month. We were all very much impressed with his conduct of the Service and his sermon on the Building of the House of life with Jesus Christ as foundation. We hope we will see him frequently in the Old Parish pulpit in days to come.

I also wish to thank Mr. Robert Hart for conducting the evening Service on Sunday, 13th September, when I required to be absent to take part in the Flower Festival at Arthuret. Robert impressed everyone by the way he led the devotional part of the service and by his inspiring address on the life and faith of Eric Liddle. Robert is a very great help to his minister.

Harvest Thanksgiving Services

The Harvest Thanksgiving Services will be on Sunday, 18th October the Band Quartette taking part at the 9.30 a.m. Half-Hour Service, the Sunday School children and staff leading the 11 a.m. Service. The Eskdale Young Farmers' Club will attend the Evening Service, when instead of a sermon we will have a fact and Faith religious film, City of Bees. After the Service the Young Farmers will be the guests of the Young Wives Group in the Hall, and after refreshments Miss Ann Coulthard of Brisco Hill Farm, Longtown, will show slides and speak on a recent three months visit to farms in Canada. The church will be open on Saturday, 17th October when I invite the congregation and friends to send in gifts for harvest decoration. The decoration will be carried out by the Guild as in former years. The children are asked to bring harvest gifts at the 11 a.m. Service and these will be distributed among the sick and aged.

Young Wives Fellowship

The Young Wives have undertaken to provide a choir for the 9.30 a.m. Service on Sunday, 1st November, and later that day assist me in short Services in the Thomas Hope Hospital and Greenbank Eventide Home.

Celebration of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper

The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be celebrated on Sunday, 25th October at 11 a.m. with a Second Table at 3 p.m. and Communion Thanksgiving Service at 6 p.m. The first communicants will be received into membership at the commencement of the 11 a.m. Service. The Kirk Session is called to meet on Friday, 23rd October, at 7.30 p.m. to receive duties from the Session Clerk, and again or Communion Sunday at 10.30 a.m.

There will be no 9.30 a.m. Half-Hour Service on Communion Sunday.

Woman's Guild

The Guild held the opening meeting on Tuesday, 29th September when there was an encouraging attendance of approximately 90 ladies. The programme was slides of the Holland Excursion shown by Mr. William McMillan, and these prove to be of very great interest. Many thanks to the ladies providing the slides, Mrs. McKone for the movie film, Nurse Reid for the commentary, and Mr. McMillan for providing and operating the projector. At this meeting the Guild office-bearers and Committee were reappointed in office with the addition of Mrs. Elizabeth Findlay and Mrs. Elizabeth Elliot to the Committee.

The next meeting of the Guild is on Tuesday, 13th October when we will have our elder, Mr. J. MacIntosh, speaking about the Church and its part in community life. I have undertaken to conduct the next meeting on Tuesday, 27th October in a programme of Questions of Current Issues.

Over 60 Club

The Club meets every Tuesday afternoon and brings a lot of interest and pleasure to the over 60 men and women of our community. I am glad that recently a small Committee has been formed to help Mrs. Flint, Hostess, and I would like to say here how much the members of the Club, indeed the people of Langholm appreciate all she has done to form the Club and build up the interest of so many members.

Sympathy with The Bereaved

On 7th September, Mrs. Margaret Cormack Graham, formerly of 106 Henry Street, passed away at Norwich at the age of 84. There will be a funeral Service in our Old Parish Church on Wednesday, 14th October at 11.30 a.m. and thereafter her ashes will be interred in the Langholm Cemetery. We remember Mrs. Graham's kindly nature, her great interest and support of our Church, and her interest and support in the formation of the Over 60 Club. Our sympathy in bereavement with her son James, and daughters Marion and Lexie.

On 12th September William Henry Harrison passed away in the Thomas Hope Hospital at the age of 79. After a happy life in London William Harrison has been living with his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Harrison, 16 Caroline Street, and we extend to them and their daughter Margaret Jean our sympathy in their bereavement.

With warm greetings to all our people.

Yours sincerely,

TOM CALVERT, Minister.




September £102 2 8


September £78 2 9



September £40 5 11


September £24 7 6


It was agreed by the Session that members who give under this Scheme be notified annually of the amount of their offering for the first nine months of the year. Notices will be sent out in October along with Communion Cards.


The Boys' Brigade senior and junior sections have begun a new session with a roll of over 80, including officers. Recently the lads have cleared the Hall gallery of old pews and made it usable as an additional hall for classes or committee meetings. They have done a grand service to many of the elderly by cutting up the old pews and making bundles of kindlings, distributing them to homes. A word of praise to the youth of today thinking about the needs of the elderly.


September 20 - David Allan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harvey, Langholm Lodge.

September 27 - Andrew Anthony, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Irving, 90 Beech Avenue, Langlee, Galashiels.

October 4 - Wendy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hogg, Hollows Cottages.


September 7 - Margaret Cormack Graham, formerly of 106 Henry Street, Langholm. Age 84.

September 12 - William Henry Harrison, 16 Caroline Street. Age 79.

"Jesus said "I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die." St. John 11. 25/26.


October 11 9.30 a.m. Half-Hour Service. 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Rev. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. Archie Smith, 44 High Street.

October 18 - Harvest Thanksgiving Services. 9.30 a.m. Half-Hour Service. Rev. Tom Calvert. 11 a.m. Children's Harvest Gift Service. 6 p.m. Eskdale Young Farmers' Club sharing in Service. Flowers - Mrs. Milligan, 5 Buccleuch Square.

October 25 - Celebration of Sacrament of the Lord s Supper. 11 a.m. First Communicants received into membership at beginning of this Service. 3 p.m. Second Communion Table. 6 p.m. Communion Thanksgiving. Rev. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. Archie Irving, 9 Charles Street Old.

November 1 - 9.30 a.m. Half-Hour Service. 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Rev. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. Archie Smith, 29 Charles Street New.


The Kirk Session is called to meet in the vestry on Friday, 23rd at 7.30 p.m. and on Sunday, 25th at 10.30 a.m.